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Welcome to the place where I can wear my heart on my sleeve and keep it real!!
Where I can live, love, and share laughter as a photographer!!


Friday, September 23, 2011


I photographed two beautiful baby girls, one on Sunday the other Monday morning!  They made me realize that I miss my children being so little.  I wish I had been doing my photography more seriously when I gave birth to my last child, because I love the way newborn photographs look!!  Much better than the costly portraits hospitals offer!! 

The first little sweetie pie was just awesome!!  She was a very content and happy little baby.  She didn't fuss a whole lot when I would move her around or change her position!  She gave me the best smiles, and the cutest faces!!  Here are a few of her pictures!

eeeekkkk!!  I just loved this little girl, and that OOOHHH soo amazingly beautiful smile!!

Check out all the fuzzy-ness this little girl has!!  
The quilt is 26 or 27 years old, and its in amazing shape, and its just beautiful.  It was little miss baby girl's momma's when she was born!!  Her older sister was also photographed with this quilt!!


I then photographed the most easy going, sleepy, perfect little girl!!  She was amazing!!  She let me put her in whatever position I wanted to, without fussing, without going potty everywhere, and slept through most of it all!!  She was a dream newborn to photograph!!  She has a head full of beautiful hair and gorgeous skin color!!  Here are a few shots from her session!!

<3 her!!

The most incredible swirl I've ever seen on a baby!!!

Now that I'm finished up with my two newborn sessions...I'm on the hunt for more!!  I loved loved photographing them!!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Yes, I have been busy lately and I feel so badly that my blog has been abandoned for a while :(  Time to play catch up!! 

My son started school a last Tuesday and has already missed 3 days of school :(  He came home Tuesday seemed fine, 2:30am Wednesday morning complained that his throat was hurting him!!  GREAT...he's got strep throat already was my first thought!  So I allowed him to stay home.  He was still sick the next morning so I made a doctors appointment.  NO STREP...thank goodness.  HOWEVER....everyone else is sick too.  Sneezing, sore throats, running noses..yucky tastes in our mouths.  This week has totally bummed. 

On top of everyone being sick, I've been trying to edit photos and get disks sent out in the mail and take care of daily house work and sick children...I'm ready for a new week and hopefully no more sickness!!

I did manage some photo sessions.  I did one Last Saturday with a beautiful young lady.  She happens to live down the street from me.  Her mom and dad rock too!!  They introduced me to a donut shop about 20 minutes away...and its so worth the drive!!  I love me some pastries!!  Here's a few shots from her session!!!

I then had a session with a sweet little guy who didn't want his pictures taken a few weeks prior, so this was a do over!  It was so worth having his photos done on a separate day...he was much happier this time around!!  I'm not sure if his happiness was due to all the water he got the chance to play in!  Either way, love this little guy and cant wait to do more photos of him!!!

Lastly I did a session with two sweet and beautiful little gals!!!  Their mommy won a contest I help a while back called "the sweet fan contest"  Her name was chosen from a drawing with other contestants who participated in sharing my page with their friends and family!!  Its such a nice gesture to see how supportive and loving my friends and family are!!  I am amazed everyday at kind words that people send or comment on my photos!!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


How true is that?!  Think about that the next time your looking in the mirror and thinking negatively about yourself.  Society has constructed idea's into every one's minds.  We are all beautiful in our own ways.  If you continue to live your life the way you want and think positive about the person you are, than no idea's that are socially corrupted will bring you down. 
I often apply this to my photography.  Everyone (society) has their own spin on what looks beautiful in a photo.  I used to find myself thinking "Is it going to be flawlessly perfect?  Does it pull emotions out?"  And then I would find myself over thinking the entire session away!  What I've realized is that if your own thoughts are shadowed by the pleasures of what pleases others and not what pleases your self,...its not going to look the way you wanted it to in the end.

"Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way."-Booker T. Washington

Saturday, September 3, 2011


This morning I got to meet a sweet baby girl!  She was such a hungry little thing and wanted to put her hands in her mouth during her whole session!!  She didnt really sleep much during the shoot and demanded that she be fed.  We did the best we could and managed to get some really adorable shots of my Brooklynn!!  I love getting the chance to meet newborns and see how different ever little baby truly is!  They say that they have a personality before birth, and I now believe it after photographing a few! Here are a few of her photos!!  She has the best dimples I've ever seen on a 5 day old baby!!

 ^^^^^Seriously, how adorable are those dimples???!!!
 Love the little milk bumps, milk blisters and the peeling of the lips!!
 A smile...say what?!!  So sweet!!

I am still trying to learn the "newborn process" of how to pose them and how to avoid every blanket getting pooped or peed on (got any advice-feel free to offer!!).  With that being said....I LOVE DOING IT!!  I love the chance to interact with the mom's and I love watching how the slightest little newborn whimper will make a mom instantly sooth their little ones!