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Where I can live, love, and share laughter as a photographer!!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My children make me proud

Today it was just beautiful outside!!  The temperature was nice and we had a fantastic breeze.  The kids love playing at the park so that's what we did this afternoon!!  My middle son ^_^ loves to be creative, and imaginative.  So there he sat and made some kind of something for me he told me.  After he was finished he jumped up and told me to check out what he made.  I asked him if he wanted me to take a picture of it so that I could have it forever and you would have though I asked him if he wanted a million dollars!!  After he seen the picture he was thrilled and wanted me to take more photos of him, so I did.

This one he says "Mom, I'm not ready to have my pictures yet."  He is so funny all the time!!  He appreciates the littlest things.  For example a couple of evenings ago I was fixing dinner and he noticed the plates I had pulled out.  A batman one and an Iron man one.  He asked me what plate was his and I told him the batman plate.  He jumped up and down and was repeatedly screeching about how he is getting the batman one!!  He always has the greatest stories to tell anyone about.  He's just a joy to be around.
Shes my little mini me!!  She is tiny but mighty!!  I caught her playing with her earrings which shes always trying to pull out.  She has successfully lost about $100.00 in gold earrings.  So I decided to put one last pair in her ears and buy new backs and so far, they have stayed in place for a little over 2 months!!!  YAY!!!  I guess it wouldn't be so bad not having earrings, but for some reason or another I make children that are bald until the age of 3 or 4 :(  She's beautiful anyway!!!

Now this one is my oldest and he definitely is my thinker!!  He's logical in every way.  Some of his funniest "smarts" have been things he says.  An evening spent with family members for a birthday celebration is never dull when something like "okay, everyone come fix your plates-granny" gets said.  And what follows is where the best part comes in "do we need to fix our plates because they are broken?-Oldest^"  He was probably only 2 1/2 when he said that.  Another one of his funnies was when I said look how full the moon looks tonight.  Oldest replies back with " Its full because it ate to much?"  He must have been about 3 when he said that.  His latest funny was when I told him the other night that he was not able to do something unless it was under my super vision.  His reply was "Mom, you have super vision?  I didn't know that!!"  He is awesome!!  I cant believe how fast he's grown!!

My children really do mean the most in the world to me and I love them with all of my heart!! 

Now here's my first photo for my "Photo everyday for a year" project.  Created for myself, as a challenge, for inspiration, and creativity.
I was out with the kids today and while laying with them in the shade under a big tree, I noticed the lovely little sun flares peeking through the I photographed it!!  The reason for the quote on the photo is because its such a true and powerful statement and I wanted to share it!!
Please say a prayer for a friend of mine who had twin boys 24weeks.  She lost one and the other who's name is Elijah is struggling for life right now. 

And just a little side note I'm still trying to figure out the perfect size to display my photos at, so sorry for the small-ness of them. 

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